So in my last update I mentioned that I was about to go on my project trip. Well that’s exactly what I did and it was great. Just to fill you in, eMi’s main deal is their project trips. The way those work is that a group of volunteers from around the world (mostly the states, but also the UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and so on) joins some eMi staff and interns on a trip to a developing area to do some engineering and architecture work for a ministry that needs it. Trips last around 7-10 days and range from really rural areas to areas that are a little more developed, but still need help. I think the best way for you to understand is if I just describe my trip.
So the team arrived on Tuesday (Sep 15) night. It consisted of 2 civil engineers from Georgia (oh yeah! close enough to Alabama, even though they went to Auburn), an architect from New Zealand, an architect from California, and a surveyor from Pennsylvania. The eMi staff was me (civil intern), an architecture intern, a structural engineering intern, and our project leader, Janet. The ministry we were working for in Masaka, Uganda morning picked us up Wednesday morning. We were working for a group called Pacific Academy Outreach Society. They’re an extension of a Christian school in Canada. PAOS opened up a school in Kibaale (in Uganda) a few years ago and has around 1000 kids going there now during the day. They bring in all kinds of kids from well off to impoverished and provide great Biblical education. They also offer sponsorships for kids as well (see here). Great ministry. Anyways, they want to expand to a new location to offer education to senior secondary school girls (about 11th and 12th grade in the US). The new school will be in Masaka and will be a boarding school that will also have a teacher training center as well as some agricultural training. So we arrived on site the first to some rain, but soon cleared up and we started surveying the first day! Quick start. At first I thought I would be working with the civil engineers for the work, but things changed and I ended up running the instrument for the week. At first I was a little let down, but I soon began to really enjoy surveying on the trip, so no regrets. The remainder of the week consisted of surveying all day, dinner at the hotel or PAOS staff house at night, then devotion time with the team and then bed. I should mention that PASO spoiled us all week by putting us up in a super nice hotel. I felt like I was on vacation ; ) But by the end of the week we had surveyed all the necessary points and generated a topo map (elevations and such) of the area. That was our part. The engineers worked on water supply and wastewater disposal all week, and the architects got the master plan and building designs together. In the end things looked great and the ministry seemed really blessed by the services we donated to them.
At the end of the trip, we spent some time at Lake Nabugabu besides lake Victoria. Great place. We just spend one afternoon and morning there as a time of processing over the trip and sharing. We also got to take a boat ride on the lake which was interesting, especially since the driver had to keep bailing water out of the boat. We had a safe boat ride, though. Nice and relaxing.
After the project trip, I came straight back and left for a safari! It was so much fun, and will definitely be a lifetime experience. We saw so many animals (lions, hippos, giraffes, etc.) and had a great time. We stayed in tents and had warthogs and hippos hanging around the camp at night, so it was really cool. We also got to see some rhinos up close and personal (about 50 ft away!) and ended up getting caught up in a rhino fight! Pretty crazy really, and it involved some running and hiding in trees. Sounds dangerous I know (probably was) but the tour guided acted like it happens a lot and thought it was kind of funny. Who know really. Not sure if that would have been ok in the states, though. Hey, it’s Africa, right?
After all that excitement, we arrived back in Kampala to get back to normal work. I’m excited to start getting plugged into the community here now, and I’m looking forward to doing some engineering, too (don’t worry I’m not just surveying all semester).
Thanks for all your prayers, and keep praying that God will use me here for whatever He desires, that He would teach me and grow me, and that He would work here in Uganda. Also pray for the team volunteers that are back home now, that God would use their time here to grow them and give them opportunities for the gospel and encouraging others.
Ok, well until next time!
PS: So as I write this I just finished an exciting day on an island in Lake Victoria. Yes an ISLAND! Did some survey (kind of) work down there for a group called Mission Aviation Fellowship. Crazy time. I’ll blog about it very soon!
Enjoyed the blog.
ReplyDeleteMy students are reading about you and learning about Africa. They enjoyed the pictures so post more. Also, watch for us to post more messages to you.