Saturday, August 15, 2009

Leaving On A Jet Plane (The First of Many...)

Well, it's finally here...I leave in the morning.

It's funny how I've spent so long thinking and planning for this trip, and now it's hard to believe I'm actually going. I don't really know what to say to people when they ask how I feel. It's hard to explain. I just know I'm ready to do this. Sure, a part of me will miss home, friends, Mobile, Tuscaloosa, Texas, etc. But I know God has set this deal up for me, and so I'm ready.

A big thanks goes out to everyone who has supported me in this. I literally wouldn't be going without you. God has encouraged and really surprised me in all this. At points the money didn't seem like it was going to be there, then suddenly it was. All the praise goes to God. He's the only One who deserves it, anyway. But, of course, I'm still so appreciative to everyone who contributed! You've become a partner with me in the ministry I'll be doing over there, even though you'll p ' robably never set foot in Uganda with me.

Well, I don't have much else to say right now. It's been a good summer. Full of all kinds of things I didn't expect. But God is good and He keep drawing me closer to Himself and opening my eyes to His Kingdom. It's a good Kingdom. Things are backwards in His Kingdom compared to the way we view the world, but that's how things really should (and will) be.

A friend of mine posted a facebook note the other day that really go me thinking. In it he brings up Matthew 16:18:

"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock. I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Anyways, so he pointed out that gates are a defensive tool, not offensive. Kind of seems obvious now that I think about it, huh? But if you think about it, so many of us get so caught up in feeling like we're fighting off Satan and sin and worldliness, that we forget that Christ told us that we're going to be attacking hell. We're to be on the offensive, not defensive. That was good for me to hear, since the closer this trip gets, the more worries get thrown at me. I need to realize that my tim over there is for me to storm the gates of hell and bring CHrist and hope to people, not for me to have to just fight off attacks. Sure, I'll need to be defensive, but offensive, too. That gets me pumped.

Anyways, from here on out, I'll be posting from other places (aka not home). I' spending a week in Colorado Springs for orientation for EMI, and then I fly out the 24th for Uganda. Not sure how readily available the internet will be, so it may be a week before you hear from me again. If so, have a great one, and pursue the Kingdom! It's coming!

much love,

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