Saturday, July 11, 2009

Been A While

So, it's been a while since I've blogged. It's actually only the second time I've posted so far. That'll hopefully change once I get to Uganda. I'll aim for once a week.

Since the last update, I got a job! That's a pretty big blessing considering how things are right now. I'm a construction inspector with the engineering firm I worked with after my first year of school. It's a little different than what I'm used to, with being on construction sites all day checking measurements and making sure things are being built right, but I'm definitely thankful for it, even if I don't always seem that way. I'm learning a lot about the construction side of things, too which helps. And I'm learning about decentralized wastewater treatment systems (fancy, I know). They're kind of cool, I guess. Anyways, having a job really helps right now! God provided for me in that way, so I'm really thankful.

Aside from work, things in Mobile are good. The first few weeks of life back home were tough, especially because I really wasn't sure how I got back here. I guess I just didn't see myself back in Mobile living at home working construction stuff again. Part of me wanted to be back at camp, even though God pretty much told me that wasn't where he wanted me this summer (which was hard to hear). I stuggled with that, especially when I looked around at life and wondered, "God why am I hear watching guys dig holes in the ground, when I could be sharing Christ with kids at camp again?" Hard question, but I eventually realized that God wants me at this job this summer to be a witness for Him to the guys I work with just as much as He would want me being a witness to kids at camp. Seems like a obvious answer now, but it was hard to see in the midst of things. Applying it is hard, though, because of the kind of people I work with on site. They're not exactly the kind of people I'm used to being around. They're a little rough around the edges. But I'm praying for boldness to being a witness for the gospel to these guys, and I'm praying that the Spirit would work through me to draw these guys to Christ. It's all in His timing, anyway.

But basically, I'm cool with being in Mobile now. I actually kind of like it a little bit (don't tell my parents ha). I'm getting lots of opportunities to serve at church and other ministries, and I get to hand out with some old (and new) friends. Yeah, I still miss camp, but I know God has me here for a reason, even if it's now always so obvious.

As far as Uganda goes, it's getting close! Last night, I got to meet up with two guys that will be there working in the construction management side of things. That office is in Jinja (spelling?), which is about an hour away from Kampala, I think. They both went to Auburn (mmm rivalry), and are cool guys. I'm excited to hang out and serve with them more, even if we're not working in the same city.

I also got the majority of my shots yesterday (2 in each arm...ouch). Just missing yellow fever, they were out! But I'll get it soon (the shot, not the disease). I'm also preparing by learning more about Uganda and doing some reading that EMI gave me. I watched the latest Invisible Children movie, too, to kind of get an idea of what's happening in the northern part of the country (crazy stuff).

Lastly, I do have a concern. The support raising process is going really slow. I've only got about a quarter of what I need for the trip, and I only have 5 weeks until I leave. I'm trusting God to provide it, but the closer it gets, the more faith it takes to say that. I really want to do this (obviously), and I feel like God has led me to this and confirmed it with scripture, but to see the money not there is hard. I'm trying to get in contact with a few more people now, so we'll see how that goes.

Well, that's that for now. Life is good. God is good. I hope everyone else is having a great summer. I'll try to blog a little more as August 16th gets closer (that's when I'm leaving).

-That God will provide the money for the trip
-That God would allow people to experience His blessing and faithfulness through giving for His kingdom
-That I would have the boldness to be a witness for Christ at work
-That the Spirit would work in the lives of the guys around me at work, to draw them to Himself
-That God would give me direction for after Uganda