Sunday, May 10, 2009

Step One

So, it looks like thing are finally getting started here.  I've got the blog up and going!

So...if you're wondering about the colors, they're the colors of Uganda's flag (or as close as I could get them, anyway). I was trying to stay with the whole Uganda theme.

But the past few week since I found out that I got the internship have been busy. Since then I've finished finals, graduated from college, and moved back home. It's been kind of surreal, since it feels like I just started college yesterday. However, as I was packing up today in Tuscaloosa, I realized how truly blessed I've been for the past four years. I don't mean that just in the standard way of having good friends (which I have had some great friends while in college), but I also mean in the extent that God has grown me over the past few years. He's given me so many great opportunities to serve and learn. It was kind of funny because as I was packing I was kind of bummed out, because I'm leaving all my friends and everything that I've known for the past few years to go back home, but as I looked through all of the memories I had accumulated, I couldn't help but see how amazing God has been to me. It made it hard to pout when I realized how much I had been given.

Over the past few weeks I've gone through lots of different feeling about Uganda. There was the initial excitement stage, which was followed by the logistical "getting it to work" stage, which was then followed by the "oh wow can this really happen" stage, which was then followed by the "maybe this isn't what I'm supposed to do" stage, which finally led to the "God has led me to this so I will follow Him" stage. A lot of stages, I know. But I figured this would happen, since this whole path of going to Uganda is a little different than that of a normal new college, and is not really what I even expected to be  doing about this time. But I'm trusting God will guide me and supply all I need in this.

So now I'm beginning the support raising stage, which is new for me. I've never had to ask for money thing before, so it kind of feels strange at first. Like I'm soliciting or something. But a packet EMI sent to me highlights all the different times Paul asked for financial help in his ministry. It was quite a bit. From those scriptures I can see that supporting missionaries and people in ministry is just as important as going yourself. God says he will reward those who live sacrificially for the gospel, in both giving and going. Cool stuff. So that makes me feel less like I'm soliciting, and more than I'm offering people an opportunity to join with me on this crazy adventure. It also makes me want to be supporting missionaries myself as well, when I get back form Uganda. I haven't really been obedient in that area, and I'm honestly excited to be part of that when I'm not on the support raising side of things.

Well, that's about all for now. I'm in Mobile for the summer, and I start the whole summer job search process tomorrow (maybe...the temptation of a game of golf has reared its ugly head). Hopefully I can find a job with decent hours so I can enjoy my time here. But, the economy is kind of crazy right now, so I'm pretty flexible. I know God has all of this worked out, so I'm not worried. Anyways, I'll keep you all updated as thing progress!

- summer job in mobile
-God will provide my needs financially for Uganda
-God will prepare me for my time there